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Signs Are Your Most Cost Effective Advertising

Your business exists in a highly competitive environment. To succeed, a business sign must be able to communicate with customers quickly and effectively regarding the products or services it offers. For most store-front businesses, the most cost-effective and efficient form of advertising to potential customers is on-premise signage.

To illustrate, just think of the number of potential customers who drive or walk-by your business. In many cases, the number of vehicles passing a business even in the small towns of Evergreen, Conifer, or other communities along the Colorado Front Range can be 3,000 to over 20,000 each day. Just do the math, over the course of a month the potential views range from 90,000 to 600,000 and over the course of a year, the numbers are staggering. A well designed sign works for you ALL of the time, 365 days per year. Given this potential exposure, if you don’t invest in a great sign, you are not giving you business it’s very best chance to succeed!

Vehicle graphics, combined with effective on-premise signage provide THE most effective and efficient advertising for your business. We’ve already talked about the potential views from a static on-premise sign, but what about graphics on a vehicle that you drive to and from your business, from service call locations, from deliveries, from supply runs, and the list goes on and on. The number of views from potential customers is a bit more difficult to quantify with vehicle graphics, but the concept is the same and just intuitively, you can see that a well designed and visible graphic package on a vehicle has the potential to be an on-the-move billboard for your business AND when done in combination with great on-premise signage and other forms of advertising provides you with huge opportunities to introduce or reinforce brand awareness for your business.

Plan Not To Fail – Long Term Thinking

When planning your new business or rebranding your existing business, keep the importance of great signs and it’s advertising value to your business in the forefront and don’t make the critical mistake of thinking that signage is just another line item in the budget. Don’t be the small business owner that allots “x” amount of dollars to a budget line item called ‘signs’ and when a cost overrun occurs, cuts the sign budget. Don’t be a victim of short-term thinking by trimming the signage budget and jeopardizing the long-term success of your business. Rather, take a page out of the playbook of large consumer-oriented companies like McDonalds, Home Depot or King Soopers who have studied the science of sales like few others. They recognize the overwhelming importance that signage plays in the presentation of their business; that effective signage will help “brand” in the minds of consumers one of the most valuable assets of their business.

We Look Forward To Working With You

At Zuni Signs, we have been in the business of promoting business for over 20 years. We understand the unique opportunity that signage can have on your business and have the skill to help get customer’s in your door. Plus, we live and work in the same community as you and many of you customers, so we are cognizant of the need to design a sign that not only attracts customer, but also is also respectful of our beautiful mountain environment.

For more information fill out our contact form or call us at 303-670-8952.

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“We can’t thank Ed Bischoff and Zuni Signs enough for the wonderful work they have done for us at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice. Ed’s suggestions and his artistic vision played such an important role in the making of our beautiful new monument sign.”

- Kathy Engle – Mt Evans Home Health Care & Hospice